Unearthed Marvel: Archaeologists Astounded by Legendary Ancient Dragon Skull Found on Beach

In a UK marketing stunt of epic proportions, a bus-sized dragon skull washed up on Dorset’s “Jurᴀssic Coast” — known for its dinosaur fossils — to honor the arrival of “Game of Thrones” season 3 on streaming service Blinkbox.

Sau một lúc kinh ngạc, người ta mới phát hiện ra nó chỉ là một đạo cụ rất ấn tượng mà các nhà làm phim Game of Thrones đã tạo nên.

The 40 foot long, 9 foot tall skull took two months to complete and is the coolest GOT campaign since February when HBO took out a two-page ad in the New York Times in which the shadow of a dragon eclipsed the paper’s copy.

Đó là một hộp sọ khổng lồ với kích thước tương đương chiếc xe buýt, dường như là của một con rồng hay khủng long gì đó.

This was in conjunction with a GOT exhibition in New York in which people actually got to sit on the show’s iconic iron throne.

Một buổi sáng đẹp trời, người dân địa phương và du khách bất ngờ phát hiện một vật kỳ quái khổng lồ trên bãi biển Charmouth hạt Dorset nước Anh.

Taylor Herring PR is responsible for the Blinkbox campaign, which aimed to make it appear as if the skull had washed ashore. Last month it created a 12 foot statue of Mr. Darcy from “Pride and Prejudice” emerging from the Serpentine in London to celebrate the launch of a UKTV’s new “Drama” channel.

Beachgoers were surprised to find a bus-sized giant skull wash up on Dorset’s “Jurᴀssic Coast.”

It was 40 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 9 feet tall.

Αn ichthyosaur, a dolphin like creature which lived 220-65 million years ago, was found in the area in 2004. This is the first dragon.

Ichthyosaur, a dolphin like creature which lived 220-65 million years ago.

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