Is ‘Someone’ Regularly Altering The Course Of History? – Unexplained Events – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – We continue to explore the possibility “someone” is regularly altering the course of history. In part 1 we discussed what methods can be used to deliberately manipulate history. We discussed one particular historical event that had profound significance on society and religion, but there are many other unexplained events and […]

Is ‘Someone’ Regularly Altering The Course Of History? – Is So How, Why And Who? Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – The theory we will discuss today is unsettling but worthy of our attention. We do know that everything we do, everything we decide will in some way change history. Just look at some major historical events and you’ll understand. What if Hitler had not been defeated? Obviously, our world would […]

Traces Of Ancient Near East Civilization In America – An Out-Of-Place Ancient Inscription – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – In part 1 we discussed two exciting artifacts that have been a subject of long-standing controversy and debate among scholars. Are these artifacts genuine? Can they offer evidence Hebrews of the Second Temple Period visited America? We know the archaeologist, a crucial figure in this story, provided us with contradicting […]

Fossil Of Extinct Human Species Reveals Climate Change Led To Unexpected Anatomical Changes 2 Million Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – An interesting piece of fossil of extinct human species suggests climate change contributed to the evolution and unexpected anatomical changes that previously were attributed to Sєx. The skull of Paranthropus robustus who walked the earth at roughly the same time as our direct ancestor Homo erectus was discovered in the […]

Jersey’s Ancient Faldouet Dolmen Vandalized To Extract Quartz Crystals

Conny Waters – – It happens unfortunately far too often that ancient historical sites are vandalized, but then again, in some cases, greed knows no limits. Sometimes ancient sites are damaged just for fun, but on other occasions, it is to gain profit. No matter what reason, it’s simply sad to see people disrespect […]

Traces Of An Ancient Near East Civilization In America – Lost Tribes And Unorthodox Discoveries – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – By now most know Christopher Columbus was not the first to reach America. Many ancient civilizations crossed the oceans and reached America long before him. Who actually came first is naturally still a H๏τ, unsettled topic. Still, it has been suggested the Vikings, Chinese, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Celts, and Sumerians visited […]

Mystery Of The Scientist Who ‘Saw’ A Fire From Miles Away

Ellen Lloyd – – He had no access to any form of modern communication like television, radio, or telephone, and yet he was fully aware of a raging fire that took place some hundred miles away from his own location. He could describe in detail the entire event without being at the scene. He […]

10 Spooky Ancient Places That Are Home To The Feared Living ᴅᴇᴀᴅ

Jan Bartek – – No matter what culture or place many are convinced some places are either cursed or still visited by those who died long ago. In this top list, we look at some truly spooky ancient places where the living ᴅᴇᴀᴅ are said to frighten residents. Haunted places are often ᴀssociated with […]