Ancient Mystery Of The Enigmatic ‘Cat Men’ – The Arrival – Part 1

A. Sutherland – – Many strange and mysterious ancient races have once walked the Earth. Memories of these enigmatic beings have been preserved in myths, legends, and built statues made in their likeness. Some of the strangest beings became known among our ancestors as the cat-faced men. Legends tell that once upon a time, […]

Teeth Pendants And Prominent Status Of Elks In Stone Age – New Study

Conny Waters – – Roughly 8,200 years ago, the island of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov in Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, housed a large burial ground where men, women, and children of varying ages were buried. Many of the graves contain an abundance of objects and red ochre, signifying the wish to […]

Machu Picchu Was Built With The Royal Unit System – New Research Suggests

Jan Bartek – – The magnificent Inca citadel Machu Picchu in Peru is admired by people for its beauty and it is a remarkable ancient place worthy of our admiration. Embedded within a dramatic landscape at the meeting point between the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon Basin, the ruins of Machu Picchu continue to reveal the […]

Evidence Of Advanced Military Robots In The Ancient World – Unknown High-Tech Examined

Ellen Lloyd – – The modern world is becoming more and more familiar with the use of robots that are put to work in several fields. Industrial robots have been around for some years now and soon we may get used to having humanoid robots helping us performing various household tasks like cleaning, washing, […]

How Did Ancient People Wake Up On Time Before The Alarm Clock Was Invented?

Conny Waters – – Our modern society depends on the clock. Almost everything we do must be made on time. Whether going to school, work, or meeting friends, we need the clock to live. Image source Undoubtedly, following the hours can sometimes be stressful, but it has become necessary. But relying on and dependent […]

Roman Mosaic Dated To Between 60 BC And 300 AD Unearthed In Baalbek

Conny Waters – – The two-meter-long Roman mosaic dating back to the city’s Roman occupation between 60 BC. and AD 300 was uncovered under a municipality building by a team of workers who were carrying out excavations to extend a drainage network within an area of a commercial market in Baalbek, northeast of Beirut. […]

Satellite Images Of 66 New Roman Army Sites Show More Clues About One Of The Empire’s Most Infamous Conflicts

Jan Bartek – – Remote sensing technology has revealed more about one of the Roman Empire’s most infamous conflicts. The discovery of dozens of new Roman Army sites shows the Roman army had a larger presence in the region than previously thought during the 200-year battle to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. Roman military presence […]

More Than 27,000 Artifacts Illegally Collected By ‘Expert In Archaeology’ – Seized In France

Conny Waters – – The collector with ‘advanced archaeological knowledge’ used metal detectors to illegally build his own collection of valuable artifacts by secretly looting various sites in eastern France. Image credit – Yahoo French officials have seized more than 27,000 archaeological artifacts ranging from Bronze Age bracelets to Roman coins, of which many […]

Unexplained Mysteries Of The Supersтιтion Mountains – A Gateway To Other Worlds?

Ellen Lloyd – – The beautiful and mysterious Supersтιтious Mountains have been a source of mystery and legend since early times. In this article, we put the legends aside and focus our attention on some baffling events reported by those who visited the mountains and experienced something truly unusual. Is there a vast system […]

Huge Ancient Ceramic Workshop With Hundreds Of Stunning Artifacts Solves An Archaeological Mystery In Israel

Jan Bartek – – Scientists are truly baffled. Not only because they discovered hundreds of very well-preserved ancient ceramic lamps and stunning terracotta figurines, but also because this particular discovery has now solved an archaeological mystery. Sometimes one must wait patiently before answers are revealed, and this finding shows many mysteries can be solved, […]