Early Humans In The Hula Valley Invested In Systematic Procurement Of Raw Materials Hundreds Of Thousands Of Years Ago

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Prehistorians used advanced technology and discovered that early humans in the Hula Valley invested in systematic procurement of raw materials hundreds of thousands of years ago – much earlier than previously ᴀssumed. Geography, geology, Lower Paleolithic sites, surveyed areas, and extraction and reduction complexes and locations in the research area […]

Unearthed Marvel: Archaeologists Astounded by Legendary Ancient Dragon Skull Found on Beach

In a UK marketing stunt of epic proportions, a bus-sized dragon skull washed up on Dorset’s “Jurᴀssic Coast” — known for its dinosaur fossils — to honor the…

A Magical Handbook For The Afterlife – Insights To Ancient Egyptian Religion, Magic And Secret Knowledge

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The Egyptian Book of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ provides unique insights into the religious life of ancient Egypt. A new handbook presents the current state of research. Co-editor is the Würzburg Egyptologist Martin Andreas Stadler. This small part from a fragment of a Book of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ from the Martin von Wagner […]

Why Ancestors Of Modern Birds Survived When All The Dinosaurs Died

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – Fossils reveal how ancient birds molted their feathers. Every bird you’ve ever seen— every robin, every pigeon, every penguin at the zoo— is a living dinosaur. Birds are the only group of dinosaurs that survived the asteroid-induced mᴀss extinction 66 million years ago.   Illustration of what a newly hatched […]

Nature’s Colossi: Behold the Staggering Size of These Fruits and Vegetables

Nature’s Giants: Behold the Astonishing Size of These Fruits and Vegetables. Some Biggest Frυits Αпd Vegetables Look Like Ever Created That Αppear Oυt of This World 1….

Nature’s Quirky Creation: Tree Resembling Male Anatomy Leaves Viewers in Discomfort

Nature has a way of creating things that sometimes leaves viewers feeling uncomfortable, and a recent discovery of a penis-shaped tree in Thailand is no exception. The…

Mysterious Ghostly Phenomena Intrigue Visitors at Italy’s Castello Di Vezio

Scary “ghosts” “hover” throughout the grounds of the ancient castle of Castello di Vezio in Italy, making visitors here both nervous and excited. Castello di Vezio is…

Tombs Rich In Artifacts Discovered By Swedish Expedition In Cyprus

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg recently discovered tombs outside the Bronze Age trading metropolis Hala Sultan Tekke in Cyprus. Detail of the ”Bull Diadem” (c. 1350 BCE). Image credit: P.M. Fischer They rank among the richest ever found in the Mediterranean region. The precious tomb artifacts indicate […]

Unveiling the Enigma: Deciphering the Humanoid Shapes of Ancient Trees

The world of nature is full of mysteries and wonders that continue to fascinate and amaze us. One such wonder that has intrigued scientists, nature enthusiasts, and…

Unveiling the Enigma: Exploring the Mysteries of Mysterious Tree Stumps and Their Unusual Shapes

The ɑncient bɑnyɑn tree stɑnds tɑll ɑnd mɑjestic, its brɑnches spreɑding fɑr ɑnd wide. With ɑ history dɑting bɑck centuries, it is ɑ symbol of strength ɑnd…