Look Inside The Amazing Egyptian Tomb Of Scribe NeferH๏τep In Luxor

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The tomb of NeferH๏τep, a renowned scribe of Amun from the 18th Dynasty, during the reign of Pharaoh Ay (1327-1323 BC), was finally unveiled after over twenty years of painstaking restoration work. Credit: Supreme Council of Antiquities In ancient Egypt, public education was non-existent. As a result, most Egyptians lacked […]

Ancient Egyptian Tombs With Stunning Trove Of Artifacts And Human Remains Unearthed In Saqqara

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com –  The Saqqara necropolis in Egypt has revealed more of its ancient secrets. A remarkable 4,000-year-old tomb has been unearthed by the joint archaeological mission from Waseda University in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA). Credit: Supreme Council of Antiquities Carved into the rock, the ancient tomb sheds new […]

Did The Plague Of Athens Come From Egypt Or Is It A Myth?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Many reports from antiquity about outbreaks of plague mention Egypt as the source of pestilences that reached the Mediterranean. But was this really the case? Researchers from the University of Basel are conducting a critical analysis of the ancient written and documentary evidence combined with archaeogenetic findings to add some […]

Thousands Of Ignored ‘Nummi Minimi’ Coins Found In Ancient Marea, Egypt With Hidden Fascinating History

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Thousands of previously ignored small coins discovered in Marea, a city near Alexandria, have been examined by numismatists from the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. Studies of coins from Marea. The contents of one of the pouches. Credit: Piotr Jaworski, University of Warsaw The pharaoh Psamtik I installed a garrison […]

Magnificent Decorated Tomb Of Scribe Unearthed At Abusir Sheds New Light On Ancient Egyptian History

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – This year, an archaeology expedition of the Czech Insтιтute of Egyptology of the Faculty of Arts of the UK excavated shaft tombs from the middle of the 1st millennium BC in Abusir, Egypt. This led to the discovery of an intriguing tomb belonging to a hitherto unknown dignitary from the […]

Experiments Show The Great Sphinx May Be A Natural Formation – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Historians and archaeologists have, over centuries, explored the mysteries behind the Great Sphinx of Giza: What did it originally look like? What was it designed to represent? What was its original name? But less attention has been paid to a foundational, and controversial, question: What was the terrain the Ancient […]

Reliefs And Engravings Of Celestial Bodies And A Zodiac On Walls And Ceilings Of Luxor’s Esna Temple

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – During the ongoing restoration works of Esna Temple in Luxor , the Egyptian-German archaeologists additionally uncovered more original reliefs and engravings on the walls and the ceilings of the structure. Image credit: Ahram Online The depictions show astro-theological scenes, including gods and goddesses that represent celestial bodies and a zodiac. […]

Amazing Ancient Underwater Treasures And Temples Discovered At Thonis-Heracleion

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A marvelous submerged ancient world can be found in the ancient port city of Thonis-Heracleion in the Bay of Aboukir off Egypt’s Mediterranean coast. Beneath the waters lies the legendary lost kingdom of Cleopatra. 5th century BC historian Herodotus had mentioned the 1,600-year-old city. He described it as an impressive […]

Remains Of A 2,300-Year-Old Sunken Ship Discovered At Alamein Shore

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  Underwater archaeologists report they have discovered the remains of an ancient sunken ship at a site in the Mediterranean Sea, roughly 650 meters from the beach of el-Alamein, Egypt. Image credit: Supreme Council of Antiquities  The find was made as part of the archaeological mission carried out by the Central […]

Hidden Details In Ancient Egyptian Tomb Paintings Revealed By Chemical Imaging

AncientPages.com – The walls of ancient Egyptian tombs can teach us much about the lives of the pharaohs and their entourages. Tomb paintings showed the deceased and their immediate family members involved in religious activities, the burial itself, or feasting at banquets and hunting in the Nile marshes. But many such tombs were looted in […]