Pena Molexa (Lunar Boat): Megalithic Corner Dedicated To A Magician Woman Who Knows The Secrets Of Earth And Underworld

A. Sutherland  – – Undoubtedly, the impressive megalithic monument, known as the Pena Molexa, is one of the magical places of Narón in northwestern Galicia in Spain. A Pena Molexa. – megalith in Galicia. Image credit: Deparpor  – CC BY-SA 3.0 It is located in a region dense in symbolism that has captivated people’s imaginations for millennia. […]

3,000-Year-Old Twisted Gold Torc Discovered In EsSєx

Jan Bartek – – A metal detectorist has discovered a part of a Bronze Age twisted gold torc in a field near Mistley, on the River Stour in EsSєx, UK. The gold torc has been examined by experts and declared a treasure by a coroner. The artifact is estimated to be about 3,000-year-old and […]

Bronze Age Human Remains Uncovered In Dorset During Excavation Of Iron Age Settlement

Jan Bartek – – Archaeology students from Bournemouth University have discovered a Bronze Age burial site during an excavation of a prehistoric settlement in Dorset. It is the first time Bronze Age bones have been discovered on the site in Winterborne Kingston, where the university’s Department of Archaeology and Anthropology has been excavating settlements […]

Why Was The Dmanisis Gora Fortress Community So Resilient In The Transition From The Bronze To Iron Age

Conny Waters – – Scientists excavating a fortress site in southern Georgia aim to uncover why communities in this area were more resilient than in other parts of the world at the end of the Bronze Age – a period of significant change, around 1,200 B.C. Excavation site. Credit: Cranfield University The project – Surviving […]

Giant Bronze Age Barrow Cemetery Discovered In Salisbury, England

Jan Bartek – –  Archaeologists excavating at Netherhampton Road, on the edge of Harnham, a southern suburb of Salisbury, England have unearthed a giant Bronze Age barrow cemetery. Wiltshire is well known for its Bronze Age barrows, especially those that survive within the landscape of the World Heritage site of Stonehenge and on the […]

‘Incredibly Mysterious’ Bronze Age Gold Penannular Ring Found In Norfolk

Jan Bartek – – Recently declared a treasure, it takes one look to realize this Bronze Age ring is unusual. The ancient gold ring was found by a metal detectorist near Aldringham cum Thorpe in north Norfolk, UK. The purpose of the Bronze Age ring is unknown. Image credit: Andrew William / Norfolk County […]

Beautiful Bronze Age And Medieval Artifacts Found In Wales Declared Treasure

Jan Bartek – – Several beautiful Bronze Age and Medieval artifacts unearthed in Wales, UK, have been declared a treasure. Four magnificent objects were discovered across Wrexham, with the remaining four coming from Conwy and Denbighshire. While metal-detecting on a ploughed field in Holt Community, Wrexham, in 2018, Chris Wood came across a stunning […]

Bronze Age Roundhouses And Roman-Era Settlement Discovered In Newquay, Cornwall

Jan Bartek – – A series of ancient dwellings have been discovered at the site of a new housing development in Newquay. Archaeologists from the Cornwall Archaeological Unit have uncovered three Bronze Age roundhouses, a Roman-period settlement consisting of an oval house, a large processing area (thought to be used for cereals) and two […]

Evidence Of Hallucinogenic Drug Use During Bronze Age Ceremonies Found

Conny Waters – – An analysis of strands of human hair from a burial site in Menorca, Spain, indicates that ancient human civilizations used hallucinogenic drugs derived from plants, reports a new paper published in Scientific Reports. These findings are the first direct evidence of ancient drug use in Europe, which may have been used […]

Incredible Prehistoric Discoveries Made By A Local Community That Helped Researchers – The knowledge and control of bronze gave some people who lived between 2200 BC and 700 BC enormous wealth and power. Their lives and deeds were immortalized by their burial mounds, known as barrows and cairns, which still litter our landscape today. Incredibly though, finding the places where Bronze Age people lived has proven to […]