Puzzling Vasconic Inscription On Ancient Irulegi Hand Resembles Basque Language

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A few years ago, archaeologists excavating an Iron Age site known as Irulegi in northern Spain discovered a flat bronze artifact shaped like a human hand. After careful cleaning, they found it bore inscriptions of words from a Vasconic language. This language family includes Basque and several other languages that […]

Earliest Document Written 2,100 Years Ago May Rewrite History Of The Basque Language

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Researchers from a Basque research insтιтute, the Aranzadi Science Society,  say that they found the earliest document written in Basque language, which is considered as one of Europe’s most mysterious tongues. Image credit: Aranzadi Science Society The document contains five words ( (40 signs, distributed in four lines) inscribed on the […]