First Complete Roman Funerary Bed Found In Britain

Jan Bartek – – During an excavation near the Holborn Viaduct in London, UK, archaeologists discovered a remarkably rare Roman funerary bed. This find, according to MOLA archaeologists, is the first complete funerary bed ever found in Britain. Roman lamp, glᴀss vial and beads from a cremation burial. Credit: MOLA The bed was crafted […]

Ancient Romans Used The Poisonous Black Henbane Plant As Hallucinogenic Medicine

Jan Bartek – – In ancient times, the black henbane plant was as fascinating as feared. Ancient physicians knew that when administered in appropriate quanтιтies, this toxic flora served as a gentle narcotic, possessing the ability to alleviate pain. However, ingesting too much of it could result in madness. “It makes people crazy and generates […]

Large Anglo-Saxon Burial With Bodies And Roman Artifacts Found At Bicker Fen, Lincolnshire, UK

Jan Bartek – –  A large Anglo-Saxon burial has been unearthed at Bicker Fen, Lincolnshire, UK. The discovery was part of Viking Link’s construction. A project team worked with archaeology experts who carried out a number of detailed surveys along the planned cable route and converter site location. A number of Anglo-Saxon and Roman […]

2,000-Year-Old Skull Reveals Ancient Romans May Have Been The First To Breed Flat-Faced Dogs

Conny Waters – –  A 2,000-year-old skull unearthed in a tomb may offer evidence ancient Romans were the first to breed dogs with flat faces. Examination of the skull shows that the dog resembled a French bulldog. A 2,000-year-old skull of a dog resembling a small bulldog was found in a tomb. Credit: Wrocław […]

What Was Pax Deorum And How Important Was It?

A. Sutherland – – Pax Deorum (“peace of the gods”) signified the central goal of the Roman state religion. The Pax Deorum provided divine protection to the Roman Empire, which needed this kind of security as much as material protection from the army’s side. Thus politics and religion cooperated. Tellus Relief, Ara Pacis. PH๏τo by kind […]

Ancient Roman Statues of Goddess Venus And Other Precious Artifacts Found In A Trash Pit In France

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists excavating in Rennes, France, have discovered many objects up to 1,800 years old. Among these precious ancient items are statuettes of the goddess Venus, pottery, coins, clothing pins, shards of glᴀss, crockery, and other terracotta statuettes. A scientist excavates a first-century A.D. potter’s kiln in Rennes, France.Credit: Emmanuelle Collado, […]

Ancient Roman Street And Buildings Discovered Beneath Exeter Cathedral

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists investigating Exeter Cathedral’s historic Cloister Garden have uncovered clues to its Roman past. The archaeological investigation is part of the cathedral’s project to build a new Cloister Gallery, replacing medieval cloisters which were demolished in 1656. The new Cloister Gallery will be built upon the medieval foundations of the original cloisters […]

Bulla Felix: Legendary Italian Leader Of Outlaws Who Robbed The Rich And Gave To The Poor

A. Sutherland – – Bulla Felix was a legendary Italian ‘bandit’ who reminds us of Robin Hood, a heroic outlaw from Nottingham, England, who robbed the rich and helped the poor in England. Bulla Felix  (in Latin: “Lucky Charm”) was a master of disguise. He was always one step ahead of the law, but his goal was not […]

200 Tons Of Silver Hidden From The Romans On The Shores Of The River Lahn

Conny Waters – – In their search for silver ore, the Romans established two military camps in the Bad Ems area near Koblenz in the 1st century AD. This is the result of research carried out as part of a teaching excavation that spanned several years and was carried out by Goethe University’s Department of […]

Hidden 2,000-Year-Old Roman Road Uncovered In Worcestershire Could Be Of ‘Global Importance’

Jan Bartek – – Trent workmen have uncovered a 2,000-year-old Roman road in a field near Evesham, in Worcestershire, UK. Aidan Smyth, archaeology advisor for Wychavon District Council says the ancient Roman road is the only one of its kind discovered in Britain and could be of “global importance.” Severn Trent workmen made the […]