Exploring the chilling tale of the female corpse allegedly killed by Mexican locals who accused her of making a deal with the devil. The belief in supersтιтions and folklore can sometimes have tragic consequences.

THE MUMMIFIED corpse of a “witch” will be given a funeral more than 100 years after she was buried alive.

The female corpse was killed – and has since been preserved –  by Mexican locals who believed she had sold her soul to the devil.

Тһе соrрѕе, knоⱳn аѕ tһе ‘𝖶𝗂tсһ Mummу’ ⱳаѕ bur𝗂еԁ аⅼ𝗂vе оvеr 100 уеаrѕ аɡо.

The woman, whose name is believed to be Carmen, is called the “Witch Mummy” after it was claimed she tried to make a deal with the devil, trading her soul in exchange for eternal youth.

According to the legend, the devil did not honour the agreement, and locals say she was later found collecting bones from ᴅᴇᴀᴅ bodies in the area.

She was branded a witch and buried alive in the cemetery of Santa Paula in the Cabecita area of Guanajuato.

After her body was discovered it was placed in chains and in a cage for display, and has been ever since.

Mexican authorities have now said the corpse should be given a dignified burial and removed from the museum, after ruling the legend of the ‘Witch Mummy’ is probably untrue.

The corpse has remained remarkably well preserved and is currently on display in a cage at the Mummy Museum in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico.

The display is surrounded by crucifixes – as if to suggest they are being used to keep the witch’s evil force within the cage.

Reports state the woman’s body had been naturally mummified along with others, after their bodies dehydrated because of the climatological conditions in the area, most notably the heat.

Jesus Antonio Borja, the head of the Department of Culture in the municipality of Guanajuato said Carmen’s true history will be investigated, adding: “I do not know who came up with the idea of saying that the body exhibited there was a witch.”

Mr Borja said: “I guess that someone, in order to make the exhibition more attractive, came up with the idea of displaying her as a witch, that is why we are currently carrying out an investigation to find out the real history of the mummy.”

Local media report that the history of other mummies in the museum will also be investigated.

Reports state that anthropologists from the National Insтιтute of Anthropology and History will work on the research once the coronavirus crisis is over.

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