Lunar dust can be melted with a laser to make a strong, glᴀssy material – and a similar effect could be achieved by focusing sunlight with a lens…

A new study in Scientific Reports shows that it may be feasible to build roads and landing pads on the Moon by using lasers to fuse lunar…

NASA Just Saw Something Come Out Of A Black Hole For The First Time Ever

You don’t need to be an expert in science to understand that black holes often pull things in rather than spit them out. However, NASA has just…

A Monster Black Hole Just Just Flipped Its Entire Magnetic Field

Black holes are powerful cosmic reactors. They supply the energy for quasars and other active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This is due to the interplay between matter and…

The cryovolcanic comet 12P/Pons–Brooks, which will make its closest approach to Earth, has re-sprouted its distinctive “horns” after its second major eruption in four months.

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is a spectacular and rare sight in the sky. It is a cryovolcanic comet, which means that the sun can cause its solid core of…

An Unknown Force Is Pulling The Milky Way And Other Galaxies Towards It At 12 Million Mph

We don’t know why a hundred thousand galaxies, including our own, are being dragged into a region of space we can’t see. Astronomers refer to this as…

Venus breakthrough: NASA found evidence of ‘enough water to support abundant life’

VENUS has been chosen as the destination for two new NASA missions to investigate the planet’s atmosphere and geological features, following the discovery of “enough water to…

Physicists: We Are On The Verge Of Discovering Fifth Dimension And It Will Change Everything We Know About Physics

Scientists are sometimes questioned if they conduct fresh experiments in the lab or continue to repeat previous ones for which they have certain outcomes.  While most scientists…

The Dark Forest Theory Explains Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet – And It Is Pretty Terrifying

The Milky Way galaxy is made up of 200 billion stars and maybe 100 billion planets. Even if just a tiny proportion of those planets maintained life,…

BREAKING: The Physics Nobel Prize Winner of 2022 just Proved that the “Universe is actually not real”

The fact that the universe is not locally real is one of the more disquieting discoveries of the last half-century.  “Real,” which indicates that objects have defined…

We’ve Found Possible Signs of Life in Venus’s Clouds. Whoa.

Venus is our closest planetary neighbour, and above its oppressive surface, in the clouds, there is a mystery. In the planet’s clouds, scientists have discovered traces of…