Caught these adorable squirrels taking a snooze on my window sill. So precious to see them snuggled up together

Ludwig C. Timm looked out his bathroom window one day while work was being done on his house and saw something lovely.  He says, “At first, we…

Witnessing the incredible nurturing abilities of this goose super mom as she looks after 47 adorable babies all at once Natures wonders never cease to amaze.

They say “the more the merrier” and this patient mother goose and her partner seem to have taken this to heart; the loving Canada goose was recently…

Making a new friend in the most unexpected place This senior womans precious encounter with a curious penguin is pure heartwarming joy.

Penguins are extremely intelligent creatures, despite the belief that they are socially awkward.  They are highly capable animals that can be trained/conditioned, are self-aware, utilize tools and…

Unbelievable catch This giant goldfish was reeled in by a fisherman in France. Nature never ceases to amaze

A fisherman caught a 67 pound goldfish named “The Carrot” in the Bluewater Lakes in Champagne, France. Andy Hackett, a 42-year-old fisherman from the U.K., said it…

A harrowing journey with a heartwarming ending. Deaf hiker survives 700foot fall surrounded by loyal furry companions.

When 21-year-old Amelia Milling began her hike through the Crow Pᴀss Trail in Chugach State Park, she had no clue that she was about to go through…

Celebrating the successful rescue of a rare albino orangutan from captivity a victory for wildlife conservation and compᴀssion.

She was held captive by local residents for two days. Now she is in the safe hands of BOS staff while they continue to monitor her and…

The poor pup cried out and whimpered but she was scooped up and taken back to the warmth of her loving home.

Takis Shelter has always stepped up as the organization to rescue and fight for the unwanted dogs who are recklessly abandoned to fend for themselves out in…

Celebrating the arrival of these precious cubs bringing hope for the future of their endangered species. Their mama is doing an amazing job

It’s always incredible news when a new baby animal is born, especially when they’re a part of a critically endangered species. Each new birth is a crucial…

Flying with compᴀssion These flight attendants went above and beyond to save a furry pᴀssengers life during a midflight emergency.

Undoubtedly, dogs are our guardian angels, and there are so many stories about their heroic – lifesaving – actions. Nonetheless, even an angel could find in need…

Lets show our support for this brave pup. No animal should ever have to face such fear and despair alone.

Smokey was adopted as a young puppy by a family who showered him with tons of toys. But it was a stuffed elephant with large ears that…