Did you know Last year the brightest flash of light in the night sky caused a unique disturbance in Earths upper atmosphere as researchers reveal.

Last year the brightest flash of light ever seen in the night sky disturbed Earth’s upper atmosphere in a way that has never before detected before, researchers…

Mindblowing discovery Scientists have detected an unexpected wobble in the muon hinting at a potential fifth force of nature. The universe never ceases to amaze us

Scientists have revealed that a subatomic particle called a muon has wobbled unexpectedly, suggesting that there might be a fifth force of nature besides the four known…

Witnessing the incredible transformation of over 100 galaxies as they are disrupted and compacted into ultradense dwarfs. A cosmic spectacle

Astronomers using the Gemini North telescope, one-half of the International Gemini Observatory operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, have captured the eroding remains of more than 100 dwarf galaxies…

Unraveling the mysteries of the universe Scientists are stunned by a cosmic object pulsing radio waves towards Earth every 22 minutes for over 30 years.

Last year, we made an intriguing discovery—a radio signal in space that switched on and off every 18 minutes. Astronomers expect to see some repeating radio signals…

Breaking news Scientists achieve groundbreaking precision in measuring Earths rotation unraveling new insights into the dynamics of our planet.

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have succeeded in measuring the Earth’s rotation more exactly than ever before. The ring laser at the Geodetic Observatory…

Breaking barriers in physics Scientists have made history by trapping electrons in a 3D crystal opening up endless possibilities for technology.

Electrons move through a conducting material like commuters at the height of Manhattan rush hour. The charged particles may jostle and bump against each other, but for…

Exploring the far reaches of the universe astronomers have found a distant galaxy resembling our own Milky Way. Mindblowing

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, an international team, including astronomer Alexander de la Vega of the University of California, Riverside, has discovered the most distant barred…

Did you know that in certain situations sound can be transmitted in space The classic tagline In space no one can hear you scream might not always hold true

The classic film “Alien” was once promoted with the tagline “In space, no one can hear you scream.” Physicists Zhuoran Geng and Ilari Maasilta from the Nanoscience…

Tired of aging Quantum principles might hold the key to timeless looks. Who says you cant turn back the clock

Imagine you are 40-something and want to go on a date looking like you did 20 years ago. This is impossible in the classical physical world but…

Stargazing just got more fascinating Astronomers have spotted the most distant black hole in Xrays marking a groundbreaking discovery.

Astronomers have discovered the most distant black hole yet seen in X-rays, using NASA telescopes. The black hole is at an early stage of growth that had…