Unearthing Jerusalems rich history archaeologists reveal a 2000yearold street built by Pontius Pilate. The past comes to light

2000-year-old ‘lost’ street built by Pontius Pilate uncovered in Jerusalem Archaeologists have unearthed part of a 2,000-year-old ‘lost’ street built by Pontius Pilate that likely served as…

Uncovering ancient history helmets and ruins from the time of Greek settlers in Italy have been unearthed. A significant glimpse into the past

Ancient Helmets and Temple Ruins Exhumed Where Greeks Settlers First Arrived in Italy Archaeologists in southern Italy have discovered ancient warrior helmets and the ruins of a…

Unbelievable discovery An archaeologist has unearthed the ancient tomb of Osiris just beneath the Sphinx. History comes alive

An Archaeologist Found The Ancient Tomb of The God Osiris?! – Right Under The Sphinx Every culture has its legends and its myths. Most of us are…

Unveiling the ancient mysteries Latest discovery pushes back the origin of modern humans by 30000 years. What secrets do these fossils hold

Fossils that “clearly foreshadow” modern humans are 30,000 years older than we thought The Omo I and Herto fossils, found in East Africa, are the oldest known Homo…

Unicorns myth or reality Turns out they were just misunderstood rhinos

Did ‘unicorns’ co-exist with humans? Yes, but they were just rhinos Sorry, guys, but I’m going to be a killjoy on this one. But first, the good…

Uncovering ancient secrets Researchers suggest 5000yearold metal tubes were used as straws for drinking. An intriguing discovery

Researchers Say 5000-year-old Metal Tubes May’ve Been Used As Straws For Drinking Artist’s interpretation of the straws in use. A set of gold and silver tubes found…