Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Was there once an advanced Polar civilization that suddenly vanished without a trace millions of years ago?
Can some perplexing anomalies clearly contradicting traditional theories of humanity’s beginnings offer evidence an unknown culture lived in the coldest parts of the world in remote times when the climatic conditions were different?
Scientists have found conclusive evidence that that six to ten million years ago the central Arctic was completely ice-free during summer and the sea-surface temperature reached values of 4 to 9 degrees Celsius. It has also been confirmed that the frozen continent of Antarctica was a beautiful rainforest millions of years ago. Scientists have found remains of a 90-million-year-old rainforests in Antarctica, and there several ancient maps that depict an ice-free Antarctica.
There are no reasons to doubt both the Arctic and Antarctica offered once, a very long time ago much more pleasant living condition than today.
However, just because Antarctica and the Arctic were warmer and greener, does not mean “someone” lived in this part of the world millions of years ago. There is no reliable evidence of an advanced lost civilization present in Antarctica or the Arctic, or is there?
Advanced Civilization In Polar Regions?
Why do we have reasons to suspect our historical knowledge of an unknown race of beings Earthy inhabitants is insufficient? In one of our previous articles, we discussed whether an ancient lost city exists on the shores of Lake Vostok? We asked whether possible traces of a highly advanced civilization can be found in warmer underground caverns of Antarctica.
We have also discussed the discovery of significant, mysterious high-energy particles detected coming up from under the ice offering evidence of usage of nuclear technology thousands of years ago.
We will now continue looking for evidence of an ancient civilization present in polar regions and explore why knowledge and traces of these mysterious people were completely lost.
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